- Germany Stroke / Memory impairments
- Germany Stroke / Visual field
- South Korea Stroke
- Cuba Traumatic brain injury
- Italy Multiple sclerosis
- Germany ADHD
A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Study Investigating the Efficacy of a Working Memory Training During Stroke Rehabilitation
OBJECTIVES: Memory training in combination with practice in semantic structuring and word fluency has been shown to improve memory performance. This study investigated the efficacy of a working memory training combined with exercises in semantic structuring and word fluency and examined whether training effects generalize to other cognitive tasks.
A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing 2 Interventions for Visual Field Loss With Standard Occupational Therapy During Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation
Claudia Mödden, Marion Behrens, Iris Damke, Norbert Eilers, Andreas Kastrup and Helmut Hildebrandt
in Neurorehabil and Neural Repair, DOI: 10.1177/1545968311425927, published on 2 December 2011
Effect of computer-based cognitive rehabilitation (CBCR) for people with stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Yu-Jin Cha and Hee Kim in NeuroRehabilitation 32 (2013) 359–368 DOI:10.3233/NRE-130856
Clinical Impact of RehaCom Software for Cognitive Rehabiltation of Patients with Acquiered Brain Injury
Elízabeth Fernández, María Luisa Bringas, Sonia Salazar, Daymí Rodríguez, María Eugenia García and
Maydané Torres in MEDICC Review, October 2012, Vol 14, No 4
Efficacy and specificity of intensive cognitive rehabilitation of attention and executive functions in multiple sclerosis
Mattioli Flavia, Chiara Stampatori , Deborah Zanotti , Giovanni Parrinello and Ruggero Capra in
Journal of the Neurological Sciences 288 (2010) 101–105
Evaluation of a computer-based neuropsychological training in children with Attention-Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Frauke Amonn, Jan Fröhlich, Dieter Breuer, Tobias Banaschewski and Manfred Doepfner in Neuro
Rehabilitation 32 (2013) 555–562 DOI:10.3233/NRE-130877